Friday, 9 December 2016

Reader Response on Detroit House article Final Draft

In the article “This Detroit House is being turned into a living model of cost-saving sustainable design”, Peters (2016) illustrates how a group of three architecture graduates, through their project ‘“Motown Movement”’, aim to share the techniques of constructing a “sustainable” house. The locals had already implemented some form of eco-friendly practices but still lack the knowledge of modifying their houses in a more cost-efficient way. For that reason, the students plan to construct a house and convert it into a "training centre" to educate the public on energy efficient methods such as a "septic tank". A “do-it-yourself” approach is adopted and materials to be used are available at various local supply stores. They aim for the project to be applicable across different global climates and to increase awareness of this movement. In my opinion, the students should come up with a more engaging approach when introducing drastic changes of making Detroit environmentally friendly as the article did not support how the community will be convinced with their idea.

The students should adopt a more engaging approach because not many people will be open to such drastic changes. People generally would have a difficult time having to do something that they are not normally used to do. It is mentioned that before executing their project focus to support youths working and conserving the environment (Kakonge & Sibanda, 2008), the project group create a national environmental youth corps and understand the target audience better before launching their project (Kakonge, 2012). I believe that by doing so, it would not introduce such drastic changes. I do agree on the students’ eco-friendly techniques however; they should focus more on how they can get community to ‘buy’ their idea. There are different forms of communication methods which affects different groups of people. It is mentioned that having the proper means of communication empowers the speaker to convey uneasy subjects without any conflict in interests (Robinson, Segal & Smith, 2016). It is also important that one has to pay attention how the target audience process the information and whether the intended effect has been achieved (Moser, 2009). Failures of communication can break the trust (Tuck, 2014). This explains why the proper communication approach is important to relate with the community for them to ‘buy’ the idea. Subsequently, this may allow the locals to have less possibility of reluctance to change and a greater appreciation for the purpose of “Motown Movement”. 

When conducting talks or hands-on workshops, the students can introduce and elaborate on the various ways to achieve an ecological environment. This gives the locals a bigger picture on the importance of sustainability and its benefits. It is mentioned that there are many examples of renewable energy source such as solar energy in a solar cell generation or even wind power to turbines producing electricity (Marquit, 2009). This teaches the community that there are other possible ways of achieving sustainability besides the techniques the students aim to introduce. However, the techniques to be displayed in the “training center” are more applicable to the locals in achieving sustainability more cost-efficiently as they are achieved through the use of a “do-it-yourself” approach. The materials that the students used are readily available in the local supply stores. Again, it emphasizes on the purpose of “Motown Movement”.

Having better communication approach will make the community relate better by being more understanding on the importance and benefits of achieving a sustainable house in a more cost-efficient way. The training facility will then be more welcoming for the community to visit and be better educated on other techniques that the students have to offer. In the long run, the students can keep updating more techniques that the community will be very interested to imitate. I believe by doing so, they will be able to achieve their aim of being able to put to application and educate other regions of the world in the long run.

Total word count: 652


 Marquit, M. (2009, May 8). 5 Feasible renewable energy sources. Retrieved from

Moser, C., S. (2009, December 22). Communicating climate change: history, challenges, process and future directions. Retrieved from

Peters, A. (2016, July 7). This Detroit House Is Being Turned Into A Living Model OF Cost-Saving Sustainable Design. Retrieved from

 Robinson, L., Segal, J.,  Ph. D., and Smith, M. (2016, September). Effective Communication: Improving communication skills in your work and personal relationships. Retrieved from

Tuck, P. (2014, March 1). A failure to communicate. Retrieved from

Kakonge, J.O. and Sibanda, H. (2008). “International Experiences with Environmental Youth Corps: Lessons from Lesotho, Journal of Environmental Extension, vol. 7, pp. 1-9.

Kakonge, J. O. (2012, October 25). Improving Development Project Implementation through Effective Communications. Retrieved December 10, 2016, from

Critical Reflection

When I first learnt that Effective Communication was going to be one of the modules offered, I was quite taken aback, thinking that this module only focuses on one’s English- grammar, verb etc. Knowing myself, I am aware that English isn’t my strongest subject. However, after going through the first week of lesson, my perspective of Effective Communication changed. I am now more aware of the basis of communication.

Throughout this course of study, I have learnt that we as a communicator we play an important part in delivering proper speech so that the message that we bring across will be understood by the receiver. Likewise, we as a receiver, have an obligation to listen and understand the intended meaning instead of making assumptions which could probably create misunderstandings or conflicts. During the period of this module, we were also tasked to do numerous writings of various types such as a transmittal letter, analytical writing and even reports. I believe that the biggest take away for me during this module is learning to create a proper report. This has helped me tremendously in submitting proper professionally crafted report for the other modules.

Apart from the topics that were bound to be discussed, I am grateful that my tutor, Brad, added his own style of teaching for this module. We were given constructive feedbacks for all the times that we were asked to speak publicly- from introducing ourselves on the first day of lesson to presenting in front of the class. I realized that I am indeed more comfortable and confident speaking in front of a crowd. I would not be able to improve myself without the help of my tutor and fellow classmates who took the time and effort to point out my mistakes.

For all of us, this is only the beginning. I look forward to grow and improve myself as I continue this learning journey. Finally, thank you dear classmates for making this module less stressful. And for Brad, thank you for your sincerity in sharing the knowledge that you possess. I wish you all the best!

commented on Masyita's Critical Writing// 10:24am, 10 Dec 2016
commented on Jerry's Critical Writing// 11:03am, 10 Dec 2016

Analytical Reflection Final

Knowing myself, I am aware that presentation is not my forte. I have the tendency to rush through my slides and not maintain a good eye contact across the room. In extreme cases, I fail to organize my thoughts and err throughout my presentation. Such stage-fright usually affects my confidence and it also makes me realized that there is a possibility of poor delivery of ideas and points which could leave audience confused or clueless.

With every practice we had in class, I have learnt to communicate with the audience effectively and explore new ways of presenting my ideas. That being said, I practiced presenting my points repeatedly through the mirror in my room so that during the presentation, I would be able to maintain a good pace. Although there was a moment where I felt that I was going too fast during the actual presentation, I was able to regain my composure and ensure that the audience understood my points clearly before I moved on to the next point. This was the part that I felt strongly about during my presentation. However, I felt less secure when answering the questions probed by my classmates. I should have expected or prepared myself for the types of questions that were going to be asked. I was unsure about answering them at first but thankfully with the help of my group mates, I managed to do it.

I am glad that the comments given to me based on my final presentation were positive. However, I believe that there is always room for improvement such as to foresee the types of queries that they might have and be better equipped when being prompted questions. Therefore, I believe that with this new lesson learnt, it will benefit me for future presentations.

Total word count: 296

last edited // 09:54pm, 9 Dec 2016

commented on Derrick's Analytical Writing// 10:12pm, 9 Dec 2016
commented on Akmal's Analytical Writing// 10:24pm, 9 Dec 2016
Response of Enquiry from LTA

This is the Email from the LTA officer to the team regarding my enquiry on the Park and Ride Scheme.

Sent: Wednesday, 19 October, 2016 11:49 AM
To: (Blanked for privacy)
Subject: Enquiry on the Park and Ride Scheme

Good day Madam,

I am Kevin Teh, a student from Singapore Institute of Technology, pursuing a degree in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Land). I am representing my project group to enquire about the current Park and Ride Scheme as part of our project to write a proposal for an improvement of the Park and Ride scheme. The following are the set of questions our group has generated for our better understanding of the scheme.
1) Was the abuse of the Park and Ride scheme a major contributing factor to the debate of whether to continue the scheme?

Abuse of the Park & Ride scheme is part of the reason for discontinuing the scheme. We have considered various measures to tackle abuses, including the solutions which you have brought up. However, we found that the measures can be easily circumvented and are not cost effective.

Park & Ride was first implemented in 1975 as a scheme to reduce congestion in the CBD by encouraging drivers to switch to public transport before entering the CBD. With the expansion of our public transport network and improved connectivity and accessibility into the CBD over the years, commuters now have more choices to get into the CBD directly besides driving. Besides new rail lines to connect commuters directly and conveniently to the CBD, we have also introduced other transport options, such the City Direct Services.  Furthermore, with the improved walk, cycle and ride options, more commuters can consider taking public transport for the entire of their journeys in future.

Hence, with the many more options to travel into the CBD directly, the Park & Ride scheme is less relevant than before.  As part of LTA’s regular review of the scheme, we have decided to discontinue the Park & Ride scheme from 1 December 2016. Motorists can continue to use the car parks at normal parking rates.

2) What were the proposed preventive measures that the LTA had to prevent the abuse of the scheme?
3) Would requiring users of the scheme to make a formal application first before they could be eligible to apply for the scheme help in preventing the abuse of the current system? i.e. Users of the scheme would be required to apply for the scheme first and would be issued identity cards to identify themselves as successful applicants. As such, only the applicant would be able to make use of the incentives of the scheme and not a proxy.

4) Would enlisting the service of a private bus company to provide a shuttle bus service for users of the Park and Ride scheme help reduce the inconvenience of motorists? i.e. Motorists currently must switch to public transport and having to wait for the public transport adds on to their overall travel time. This was one of the contributing factors that made the scheme unfavourable to motorists.

Note: Users of the shuttle bus service will be required to display their identity card (issued upon successful application of the scheme) before they can aboard the shuttle bus. This ensures that only the applicant of the Park and Ride scheme can use the bus service thus preventing abuse of the system. (refer to Question 3 for application procedures)

Your guidance would be of tremendous help for our better understanding of the scheme and the formulation of our proposal to improve the scheme’s effectiveness. We hope to receive your response by 21 Oct 2016.

Thank you.

Kevin The (Group Lead)

Letter of transmittal

31 October 2016
Brad Blackstone
Senior Lecturer
Singapore Institute of Technology
SIT @ Dover
10 Dover Drive
Singapore 138683

Dear Brad,

Proposal for the enhancement of the Park & Ride Scheme

This letter is to inform you of our acknowledgement to your letter of authorization. We would like to present to you our proposal for the enhancement of the Park & Ride (P&R) scheme to further improve the scheme.

The Park & Ride scheme was introduced in the 1970s to tackle the traffic congestion issue in the Central Business District (CBD) area by encouraging drivers to park at carparks along the fringes of the CBD and connecting these carparks to public transport systems such as the MRT and public buses. However, the scheme was unpopular throughout the years as it brought about many inconveniences to its users. Furthermore, the scheme was subjected to abuse as unintended motorists took advantage of the cheaper parking rates offered at the P&R carparks.

In view of this, our team has developed two solutions to tackle the issues faced by scheme. The first solution would be to engage private bus companies to provide shuttle bus services to ferry applicants of the scheme into the CBD. This would increase the convenience for motorists in the second phase of their journey to their workplaces in the CBD. The second solution is to tighten the control of the usage of the scheme. This is achieved by requiring a potential user to make a formal registration for the scheme. As such, only the user of the P&R scheme will be able to enjoy the benefits and privileges which will be further elaborated in our report below.

The team would like to thank you for taking the time to read through our proposal. We hope that you will consider our proposed solutions to re-commission the P&R scheme which will reduce the traffic congestion in the CBD area.

Yours sincerely,

Team KAD (Kevin, Alcina, Danish)

commented on Ali's Letter of transmittal// 11:07pm, 9 Dec 2016